[InfoGraphic] Natural Cleaning Part 2: DIY Pantry Recipes

Currently green cleaning practices appear to be on the rise as more and more shoppers are making it a priority to clean for health. With more consumers making the leap from traditional to green another inevitable question has arisen: homemade vs. store-bought?  Living eco-consciously should not mean having to forfeit frugality.

The suggested homemade version for a dusting aid would cost $1.10 for 17 ounces while Pledge Polish is $5.47 for 17 ounces.  The suggested homemade version of tile and tub cleaner costs $1.85 for 24 ounces while Lysol Tub & Tile is $4.99 for 24 ounces.  Overall, switching to homemade cleaning products saves an average of $1,612.00 over a period of five years!

The solution?  DIY pantry recipes.  Instead of toxic traditional cleansers, or pricey green store-bought products, there is a myriad of natural ingredients from the pantry that can be used to make your own cleaners!  [click on the infographic below to zoom in/out]



Green Cleaning Glossary: Know Your Terms

Do you ever find yourself feeling confused or overwhelmed when it comes to green cleaning?  Learn the following terms to help yourself become a green expert!

Certification: Process in which a company has a third party (usually non-profit) assess their product with specific standards in order to verify whether the tested product is green or not.

Eco-labeling: Labeling that warrants the product was evaluated for performance and environmental qualities and helps users identify green products from non-green products.

Environmental Impact: The possible adversarial effect of the release of a material into the environment as listed in MSDS info.

Environmentally Preferable Product:  Product that has a lessened impact on the health and safety of workers and the environment compared to traditional products.

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency; governmental branch whose responsibility it is to protect the environment and maintain this nation’s land, water, and air resources, and deal with environmental issues.

Green Cleaning: Cleaning to protect human health while diminishing the impact on the environment.

Green seal: Non-profit agency that works with manufacturers, industry divisions, purchasing groups and government branches to “green” the production and purchasing chain.  Their mission is to achieve a more ecological balanced world by promoting environmentally responsible production, purchasing and products. Standards are as follows:

  • GS – 37: standard for bathroom cleaners, general purpose cleaners, glass cleaners and carpet cleaners.
  • GS – 42: standard for cleaning service providers, including in-house and building contractors, to create a Green Cleaning program that protects human health and the environment.
  • GS – 41: standard for hand cleaners, industrial and institutional, for non-anti-bacterial products.  This standard does not include products used in households, food preparation operations or medical facilities.
  • GS – 40: standard for floor finishes and floor strippers.

Greenwashing: Term describing green advertising, labeling, and other sales and promotional activities that use deceptive, ambiguous, extraneous or unsubstantiated environmental claims to sell a product or service.  This is a significant problem because it adds to consumer confusion and makes it more difficult for those companies that are truly trying to do the right thing and be “green”.  Greenwashing makes it harder for consumers to trust the “green”ability of a product.

LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design; Rating system defines green buildings using a common set of standards created by USGBC.  Ratings are as follows:

  • LEED – EB: standard for existing buildings
  • LEED – NC: standard for new construction
  • LEED – CI: standard for commercial and interior projects
  • LEED – CS: standard for core and shell projects
  • LEED – H: standard for homes and home building industry
  • LEED – ND: Standard for neighborhood development.

Recovered Fiber: Post consumer content as well as manufacturing wastes from the paper-making process and re-pulped paper and paperboard from obsolete inventories.

Recycled Content:  The portion of a container that has been made from reused materials.

Recycled Materials:  materials that are reused to make other products.

Renewable Resources: any natural resource that can replenish itself naturally over time, such as wood or solar energy.

Self-Certification: process by which manufacturer relies on their own testing to declare their product is green; to avoid greenwashing, specific testing data needs to be provided to support such claims.

Sustainability: Products and procedures that will preserve human health, the environment, and facilities for future generations.  In other words, sustainability is meeting the needs of the present without harming the needs of future generations.

VOC: volatile organic compound; measure of ingredients that release into the air that can lead to poor Indoor Air Quality.

Volatile: the part of a product that evaporates during drying.

USGBC: United States Green Building Council; a nonprofit agency that addresses the significant impacts of building design and operation on human health and the natural environment.

How to Clean Like the Pros

Below are 7 simple steps to follow in order to achieve a professional level clean!

1)      Devise a Plan:  Before you begin any cleaning job it is important to have a plan of action.  Do you have the appropriate cleaning products?  Do you have all necessary equipment and supplies to get the job done right?  If you are doing the cleaning yourself it can easily become overwhelming especially when working in large spaces such as an office building.  To prevent yourself from being overcome, come up with a cleaning task list that is divided into three categories: daily, detail, and project.  This will help you prioritize and make the most of your time.

2)      Every Move Counts:  When cleaning you want to make the most of your time by managing it well, so you need to come up with a logical approach on how to get the job finished.  For instance, would you do high dusting after wiping off all of the furniture?  Most likely, your answer is no.  Completing tasks in an illogical order wastes time and energy.  By circling the room once you are being as quick and efficient as possible.

3)      Create a Pattern: When completing tasks such as dusting or wiping down the walls, it is best to devise a pattern in which to carry out the job.  Working counter clockwise top to bottom will help prevent missing areas.  Try sticking to the same pattern each time you clean and you will begin to notice that it takes less time to get the job done.  TIP: When you are wiping down walls or large surface areas make sure to overlap strokes – left to right and then up and down – to prevent leaving anything behind.

4)      Knowing the Right Line of Attack:  By using the proper method when cleaning you can save time, use fewer products, and avoid high chemical exposure.  For example, if a surface needs to be wiped down and disinfected should you spray & wipe or damp wipe?  For areas that are heavily soiled such as urinals, the spray & wipe approach would work best.  If a surface is lightly soiled like desk, the damp wipe approach would be most fitting.  TIP: Disinfectant needs to set on the surface to be cleaned or it will not kill all the germs and bacteria. TIP: If dust is visible on a surface then a cleaning polish is most likely needed.

5)      Multitask: Never have idle periods of time.  When you spray remover on a stain and are letting it soak in, don’t just wait by and watch the stain be lifted.  You can fit a mini-chore in that wait period which will let the cleaning agent set long enough to work properly.

6)      Know your start and end points:  Always clean from top to bottom in order to bring the dirt and dust down to the lowest level ensuring you remove all of it.  Also try and clean from dry to wet and dirtiest to cleanest.

7)      Floor Cleaning: Vacuuming is the first defense against dust and mold build up- so it is a task that should be done daily.  To properly vacuum a room, start in the furthest corner and work your way towards the door.  Dry mopping is also an important task that should be done regularly.  By lifting surface dirt you are preventing it from further penetrating the finish of the floors and eventually ruining them.  Dry mopping also prepares the surface for wet mopping.  When you wet mop, make sure you sufficiently wring the mop out leaving it damp – too much saturation can actually leave the floors dirtier than when you started.  TIP: Try and avoid splashing when wet mopping; this can leave a grimy residue behind.

The most important tip for cleaning like the pros is to hire the pros!  Call Envision Commercial Cleaning for your free quote today!

Cleaner & Greener Schools

If school facilities affect learning, why do so many schools have a dated approach to the cleaning of their buildings?

Through the implementation of green cleaning, schools have the opportunity to directly influence the health and safety of their students and employees.  It is a proactive step towards achieving a healthy learning atmosphere for those in attendance.  In this country, on any given day about 20% of Americans spend time in a school building; the average age of American schools is about fifty years.  Green cleaning not only increases the lifespan of education facilities, it is critical to the success in learning and health of students in this country.

To keep schools healthy the main priority is infection control, and infection control is achieved through cleaning; clean areas are less likely to harbor germs.   Traditional cleaners contain potentially dangerous chemicals that can cause a myriad of threatening symptoms.  Think of it as a sequence: Schools have high amounts of traffic → high traffic means higher amount of germs → More germs, stronger cleaners→ overall outcome is less healthy – such chemicals in high doses become toxic.  These harmful chemicals are also a large contributor to poor indoor air quality.

Indoor air quality in schools is a major problem in this country.  Over 15,000 American schools have poor IAQ that affects over 8 million children.  The symptoms associated with the low IAQ situation are those similar to Sick Building Syndrome.  With a growing amount of research showing a correlation between student performance and the air that they breathe  at school, action must be taken to improve the condition of air quality in educational facilities.  In ratio to body size, children breathe more air than adults therefore making younger students more susceptible to sickness caused by poor air quality.  The American Lung Association found that American children miss more than 10 million school days each year because of asthma worsened by poor IAQ!  Logically speaking, it can be concluded that poor IAQ generates sickness in teachers and students; sickness increases absenteeism; missed days cause a decrease in performance.  Schools that have implemented green cleaning saw reduced symptoms among asthmatic students as well as a reduction in sick days.  Green products have low to no VOC emission and do not contribute to poor indoor air.  The product that is used  is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to eco-friendly cleaning.

Green cleaning has a 50/50 recipe: half is what you purchase and use and half is how you do it.  Schools see more situations where heavy cleaners may be needed – i.e. a student gets a nose bleed – but heavy duty cleaners leave residue behind that may be harmful to those who come in contact with it.  Not every job needs a strong chemical to get the job done.  Many green cleaners come equipped with a dilution system making it possible for one cleaner to work on a myriad of messes.  Thinking beyond chemicals, green cleaning at schools can only be successful with the power of knowledge and of teamwork.

The benefits are invaluable when it comes to instituting a green cleaning system in our schools.  At the top of the list of advantages is the improvement of health in students and workers as well as increased worker safety and morale and productivity.  You can only succeed at going green if you have a willing team. Envision Commercial Cleaning is a certified green clean team, and has experience working with and helping schools maintain cleaner, greener facilities.  Call us for your free quote today!  Keep in mind that Green Cleaning is not an all or nothing proposition, it can be practical and cost effective.

Upcoming:  DIY tips and tricks for Greener Schools!

Are You Affected by Sick Building Syndrome?

Have you ever felt like you were quite literally allergic to work?  If you answered yes, you may be the victim of Sick Building Syndrome.  In certain situations unknown stimuli causes occupants of specific buildings to experience an allergic-like reaction with common symptoms, followed by simultaneous relief when the same people remove themselves from the building.  Symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome include but are not limited to: fatigue, lethargy, headache, irritation of mucus membranes, nausea, dizziness, eye and/or nose irritation and sensitivity to odors.  All together or in combinations these could indicate Sick Building Syndrome.

Back in the early and mid-20th century, buildings were constructed to allow generous amounts of outdoor air to flow inside.  In other words structures were specifically designed to not be air tight.  Before the 1970s building standards required a minimum of approximately 15 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of outdoor air to be infiltrated in for each occupant.  However, the 1973 oil embargo catalyzed energy conservationists to mandate buildings be constructed as air tight as possible, and that 15 cfm quickly became a mere 5 cfm per occupant.  Because buildings are now air tight, hazardous contaminants from various sources are trapped in the indoor air system.

Sources that Cause SBS

  • Inadequate ventilation: Air tight buildings with poorly operating HVAC systems have an uneven dispersal of air flow that does not effectively reach all occupants.
  • Chemical toxins: There are two sources for chemical contamination – indoor and outdoor. Indoor chemical contaminants come from the emission of VOCs (volatile organic compounds).  Certain carpeting, upholstery, adhesives, cleaning products, and even copy machines can give off gaseous chemicals that are released into the air.  Outdoor chemical contaminants enter the building from outdoor sources via poorly located air intake vents, windows and other openings. Examples include – Vehicle exhaust, plumbing vents, and building exhausts .
  • Biological toxins: Bacteria, viruses, pollen and mold are all examples of biological contaminants that can be a source for Sick Building Syndrome.  Any area that is susceptible to moisture buildup provides a welcoming environment for such impurities to flourish.

All major sources of SBS can amalgamate with smaller factors such as temperature and humidity.  When such circumstances arise, the potential threat of Sick Building Syndrome is substantially increased.

Quick tips to avoid SBS

  • Find the source!  If you are aware of the source(s) of perilous pollutants, take proactive steps to correct the problem!  Regular replacement of air filters, replacement of water damaged materials such as carpet or ceiling tiles, enforcement of smoking regulations, and routine maintenance of HVAC systems are all actions that help in eliminating the source.
  • Choose flooring, furniture and other building supplies and materials that have low to none VOC emission.  If that is not a possibility, then allow for a period of “off gassing” after newly constructed areas are completed and before they are occupied.
  • Implement Green cleaning techniques!  Not only does having a green cleaned office eliminate bacteria and dust pollutants, but the cleaning agents themselves are safe to use and have little to no VOC emission!  Kill two birds with one stone and make green choices when it comes to your office cleaning practices.  Green cleaning eliminates and prevents potential threats for SBS.

Don’t let yourself fall victim to Sick Building Syndrome. Envision Commercial Cleaning can help your office get on the right track when it comes to green cleaning.  Don’t become overwhelmed with any mess big or small – call Envision Commercial Cleaning for your free quote today!

The Benefits of HEPA Filters: Fact or Fiction?

Invented in WWII, High Efficiency Particulate Air filters were used in laboratories to prevent harmful radioactive particles from escaping.  Commonly known as HEPA filters, these can be found in not just air filtration systems but also in vacuum cleaners.  The filter itself is a mesh of randomly arranged fiberglass fibers that trap large particles as well as microscopic ones.  Having a HEPA filtered vacuum can greatly improve indoor air quality thus relieving allergy and asthma irritation.  Knowing the facts behind the HEPA filters and their efficiency will come in handy when purchasing your next vacuum cleaner or air filter.

Traditionally vacuum filters act like a sieve where particles that are smaller than the largest opening can pass through; HEPA vacuums do not.  They are designed to trap the smallest pollutants as air is forced through a fine mesh by isolating particles that will then cling to the individual fibers.  In order for a filter to be qualified as a HEPA it needs to remove 99.97% of all particles greater than 0.3 microns.  When compared to a dust mite, which is 5 microns and a human hair which is 40 microns, you can visualize just how small of particles a HEPA filter collects.  Equivalent to one-thousandth of a millimeter, these particles must be filtered out of the vacuum’s exhaust according to government standards.

With many imitation HEPA filters on the market, there are important factors to keep in mind to help ensure the filter you purchase is a true HEPA.  For starters, a true or absolute HEPA must pass a test and the results will be printed on the filter itself.  The test results must be at 0.3 microns which means it filters out the government standard of 99.97%.  Some vacuums are labeled HEPA type filter- these are not the real deal because they do not have to pass a performance test.  Similar in build, these HEPA type filters are less expensive and less effective; most often they only filter out 85-90% of particles.  Another factor to check is the MERV rating.  Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value is an evaluation system that rates a filter’s ability to remove particles from the air based on a scale of 1-20.  The higher the number the better; high ratings means that it removes smaller particles and more particles.

In order for a vacuum cleaner to have an effective HEPA filtration system, the unit must be sealed.  This means that there is no air flow around the filter therefore forcing all of it through the mesh and trapping the maximum amount of particles.  If the unit is 100% sealed, it prevents large amounts of particles from re-entering the surrounding air.  HEPA filters are designed to trap substantial amounts of dust particles from their return air flow preventing fewer microbic dust fragments from escaping in the exhaust.

By preventing the emission of infinitesimal impurities and other contaminates back into the air we breathe, HEPA filters prove to be beneficial for use in the home and office.  Conventional vacuums do not sufficiently trap dust particles and they expel minute air pollutants back in to the air we breathe.  Switching from traditional filters to HEPA filters greatly improves indoor air quality and helps prevent flare ups to those who suffer from allergies or asthma symptoms.  HEPA filters can help eliminate dust, smoke, mold, bacteria, and pollen.

If you need help eliminating dust in your office, call Envision Commercial Cleaning today for your free quote!  Let us help improve your indoor air quality!


What Makes a Product “Green”?

There is no clear-cut, definitive way to determine whether or not a product is green; however there are certain aspects to consider.  Typically ecofriendly items are ones that use less energy, are from recycled materials, and come with less packaging.  Inventors of such products are creative innovators and think outside of the box.  They come up with ways to replace artificial with natural and most importantly ways to protect the planet rather than to destroy.  To determine how green a product consider the following factors:

Reduced material use / resource efficient: Eco-friendly products can be composed of rapidly renewable products, meaning the materials have a shorter harvest rotation. Some products can even be made from agricultural waste which classifies them as rapid renewable products. This also includes energy efficiency- green products can conserve energy in production as well as when in use.  An item is NOT resource efficient if it comes from non-renewable resources.  Fact: The making of paper products from recycled paper generates 74% less pollution and uses 50% less water than making paper products from raw materials.

Biodegradable: Products and/or by-products of production can be safely returned to the soil.

Finished product’s recyclability:  Recycling is very important to the planet’s wellbeing.  Products that are recyclable themselves, or come in recyclable packaging, help deflect waste from our landfills and also prevent new resources from being used in the manufacturing process.  Fact: Nearly one billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year in the United States.

Contain recycled ingredients:  When a product is made from recycled ingredients they can either be pre-consumer or post-consumer recyclables.  Pre-consumer means that the materials are that of industrial by-products.  Post-consumer means that what would be on the way to the landfill is being re-processed to create another product.  Fact: Recycling is very important to the wellbeing of our planet.  Plastic products made from recycled plastic need 88% less energy to make than plastic products made from oil.

VOC content: Volatile organic compounds are ingredients that emit toxic and dangerous chemicals.  Depending on if a product contains VOCs or not greatly impacts the safety of those who make it or use the finished product.  Conventional cleaners are typically petroleum based and have an adverse health and environmental repercussion.  Fact: There are 17,000 petro chemicals available for home use, of which only 30% have been tested for exposure to human health and the environment.

Organic ≠ good for you:  Although plant based cleaners are generally safer than conventional ones, the term organic does not necessarily mean that the product is safe for use.  The term organic means the ingredient is from a formerly living material whether it is a plant or animal.  Make sure to check other ingredients before deciding the product’s level of eco-friendliness.

Deciding whether or not a product is green can be tricky.  The bottom line is to ask yourself “Is this product and its ingredients environmentally responsible as well as socially?”  It is important that the product in question is one that is manufactured in a way that respects mankind and planet Earth. Envision Commercial Cleaning makes it a priority to practice green techniques and use green products.  With us, we can help your company do their part in the fight for a healthier environment – call for your free quote today!


Why Bother Going Green? (Recycle-Reduce-Reuse: Stats, Info & Benefits)

How to Clean With Borax

With powers to brighten and whiten, borax is a great ingredient for green cleaning recipes. Now that we know what borax is and how it cleans, what’s next?
For starters, it is always a good idea to remember to use gloves when handling any household cleaner whether it was a natural recipe that you made yourself or a store bought brand.
As a laundry aid: Add ½ cup of borax to your dirty load and it will boost the power of your regular detergent!  You can also use borax to soak linens or delicates that can’t be put in the machine.  Fill sink up with warm water and mix in ¼ cup of borax and 2 tablespoons of detergent; let soiled items soak for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with cool water.  *TIP: To clean antique or otherwise delicate washables that are heavily soiled, mix detergent and borax together until you get a thick paste, rub paste on desired area, let set for a few minutes and then rinse clean!
As a deodorizer: Borax is great for neutralizing odors anywhere in the house.  If you have a stinky dog bed, spray with a white vinegar and water solution and sprinkle on borax.  Once it is dry vacuum it off and POOF- doggy smell is gone!  *TIP- Try sprinkling a little borax in your outdoor trash cans to combat those stinky odors especially in summertime!
As a mildew remover: Using a borax solution on moldy areas is great for bathroom cleaning, avoiding areas where the paint can be damaged.  A 1:1 solution of borax and vinegar (or 1 teaspoon borax in a quart of warm water) placed in a recycled spray bottle is a good way to zap these problem areas.  Spray mixture on desired areas and let soak for 30 minutes to an hour then wipe off with a warm wet rag.  *TIP- For extra stubborn areas, make a borax and water paste and apply directly to spot.  Once this has dried sweep up the excess powder and rinse clean.
As a toilet cleaner: Neutralizing odors in your toilet, borax also loosens up any grime that is clinging to the bowl.  Pour 1 cup of borax in the toilet and leave it overnight.  In the morning simply scrub the bowl and flush.  *TIP- As was suggested in our blog post Natural Cleaners Part I, the vinegar and baking soda toilet cleaner can be powered up by replacing the baking soda with a dash of borax and a spritz of lime; this solution is sure to take care of extra scummy messes.
Green cleaning at the home should be done with care even when using natural recipes. Be sure to test cleaning products/solutions on a small spot first to make sure there are no adverse reactions.
Always remember to exercise caution when handling any chemical even if it is baking soda or vinegar.  Wearing gloves is always a good idea!  As long as you are not ingesting large quantities of borax (duh!) and rinsing clean after each use, it is perfectly safe for at home cleaning!

For more at green cleaning tips, be sure to follow us on twitter @ENVISIONCLEAN or like us on facebook at Envision Commercial Cleaning with links at the bottom of the page!

How to Clean the Germiest Spot in the Office

As it is one of the dirtiest places in the office, the keyboard is a tricky mechanism to clean.  If you let the dirt and debris remain in the cracks of your keyboard for too long you may wind up with a malfunctioning device. Studies have found that the number of germs lurking on your office keyboard can be 5 times higher than those found on the office toilet seat.  The numerous keys and the crevices in between provide a safe haven for bacteria and microbes to thrive.  A keyboard is an absolute office necessity and we have physical contact with it for most of the day whether it is being used to type or simply having a lunch enjoyed overhead.  These food crumbs followed by greasy smudges from unwashed hands pecking away create an environment where germs will flourish.  Many do not think to clean their keyboards on a regular basis, but with the threat of bacteria – like E.coli or staph – lurking at your fingertips, it is a necessity in the workplace.

To clean your keyboard, be sure to first unplug the device.  Then gently shake out all the loose crumbs and other fragments over a wastebasket.  After shaking out what you can, hold the keyboard vertically (still over the wastebasket) and use a can of compressed air to knock those more stubborn crumbs loose.  Make sure to pay special attention to the crevices in between keys, dislodging all physical remnants.  A good suggestion for stubborn pieces left behind is a quality soft bristle brush to further knock everything loose.

Once all crumbs and dirt have been knocked off, it is time to take care of the smaller particles: germs!  Use antibacterial wipes and give your keys a good once over.  It is okay to use cotton swabs and a small amount of rubbing alcohol to banish any stubborn grime. Just be sure not to drench the cotton swabs; you don’t want any excess running down into the wiring of the keyboard.

Once your keyboard is officially cleaned, try and practice this procedure on a semi regular basis to avoid the spread of germs in the office!

If your grimy keyboard is the least of your problems when it comes to office cleanliness, call Envision Commercial Cleaning for your free cleaning quote today!


Natural Cleaning: The Power of Borax

When it comes to at-home natural cleaners, vinegar and baking soda seem to be the two star players.  What many do not know is that a lesser known player, borax, is key to successful environmentally-friendly at-home cleaning.  Unlike baking soda and vinegar, borax needs to be handled with a touch of care.  Its high alkalinity can cause mild skin irritation if too concentrated.

What is borax and how does it clean?

Borax is a natural mineral compound formally known as sodium borate and is found deep within the earth’s crust.  To put it simply, it is a boron mineral and salt that’s mined directly from the ground.  Borax crystals are whitish in color and are odorless.  They are non-flammable and non-reactive, primarily because borax is alkaline as opposed to acidic.  With a pH of 9.5, borax is safe to mix with most other household chemicals – even chlorine bleach!  (For a refresher on which chemicals to mix and which not to mix click here.)  Borax cleans and bleaches by converting water molecules to hydrogen peroxide which is more favorable in hotter water.  It produces a basic solution in water, thus intensifying the effectiveness of bleach and other cleaners.  Borax is great for cleaning, deodorizing and disinfecting.  It can be used as a fungicide, a water softener and a great laundry boost!

If you are wary of the safeness of using borax be aware that oftentimes those criticizing borax are actually referring to boric acid which is not the same as borax.  Borax is classified as non-carcinogenic and a mild skin irritant.  The high alkalinity of it is what most likely causes the mild skin irritation.  The Material Safety Sheet lists borax as a health hazard of 1, same as baking soda and salt. It is also not deemed to be bio-accumulative which means that if you use it repeatedly it will not build up in your system over long periods of time.  So as long as you are using common sense and wearing gloves and not ingesting it, borax is entirely safe for household cleaning.  Look in the laundry aisle at your local supermarket, and borax crystals are usually sold under the name 20 Mule team borax.

Be sure to follow our blog – coming soon: Borax is Great for Green Cleaning, Now What?

In the meantime if your office is in need of a good cleaning, call Envision Commercial Cleaning for your free quote today!  We use green cleaning techniques which can help boost your company’s green credentials!



Envision always provides great service, great customer service and always a swift, professional response to all our requests. Our medical centers have very specific requirements which must be met. The Envision team has always been willing to work with us to see that those standards are met or exceeded. Furthermore, we understand people are human and mistakes or issues do occur. However, you will not find another organization more committed to high quality standards and ensuring issues are rapidly resolved. We are proud of our partnership with Envision and highly recommend them to your organization.
