Integrated Restroom Odor Program
A single product will not eliminate your restroom odors. It takes an integrated program that eliminates odor sources so facilities smell fresh and clean. The EnvisionĀ Integrated Restroom Odor Program targets four areas:
Source Removal
Most restroom odors are caused by urine salt that harbors and encourages the growth of bacteria. Other causes are the organic elements of feces, vomit, and perspiration. We treat urinals, toilets and shower stalls with a bio-enzymatic product that eliminates the organic cause of offensive odor.
Surface Cleaning
We use a Green Seal certified hydrogen peroxide multi-purpose cleaner that naturally deodorizes and cleans all restroom surfaces – from mirrors to tile and grout.
Air Care
Restrooms are prone to odor sources throughout the day that are dispersed into the air. Our automatic gel or aerosol air dispensers attack those air-borne molecules with metered, VOC-free bursts of freshness round the clock. Fragrances match those of the cleaner and bio-enzymatic product.
Fixture Care
Urinal screens and toilet bowl hangers help to continually clean and reduce urine odors. Urinal screens also help prevent debris and foreign objects from clogging the drain lines.
Services Offered
The open house went extremely well and I am very pleased with how the building turned out. We heard three hundred positive comments about the building. Definitely thank your people for me; they all did a very professional and outstanding job, from Chris to Dan and the couple that clean the building and the carpet cleaners, everyone stepped up and I/we here at Melink are very grateful for your support. This event would not have been as successful without all of your outstanding work. Thanks again.