Green Cleaning Program Overview

Being environmentally responsible means using the least toxic products, equipment and procedures available.

Envision Commercial Cleaning Clean Green Team will clean and maintain your facility with these considerations in mind – all the time, every day, every job.

When it comes to facility maintenance, we believe that one size does not fit all. Before we begin, your Envision cleaning professional will provide a free evaluation of your facility to determine the most appropriate green products and services to use for your particular situation.

Our services incorporate the most current environmentally preferred tools available:

  • Green Cleaning Products
  • Microfiber Mops
  • Vacuums
  • Green Cleaning Training

Green cleaning can improve indoor air quality and provide many healthy benefits:

  • Illness reduced by 24%**
  • Doctor visits decreased by 34%**
  • Antibiotic treatment decreased by 24%**
  • Days absent decreased by 46%
  • Airborne dust inside the building decreased by 52%*
  • Volatile organic chemical (VOC) concentrations decreased by 49%*
  • Bacteria decreased by 40%*
  • Fungi colony-forming units deceased by 61%*

* Indoor Environment Characterization of a Non-Problem Building: Assessment of Cleaning Effectiveness, US Environmental Protection Agency, March 1994. (conducted at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center, Chapel Hill, NC) **Economic Impact of an Infection Control Education Program in a Specialized Preschool Setting, PEDIATRICS Vol. 108 No. 6 December 2001, pp. e102

For more information:

National Safety Council:

Pediatrics Online:

  • Get a Quote



  • Envision pulled through for Ohio Kentucky Steel. We needed to clean our production machinery and floors during a compressed time frame outage. Envision did an excellent job. They were on time and on budget. They were cost and quality conscious, were easy to work with, and, through their hands-on project management, kept everything properly coordinated.

    We now use Envision for all our cleaning-related projects whenever they are needed. This includes the cleaning of our offices on an ongoing basis and also whenever we need a deep cleaning completed in our production areas.

    - Chris Fiora , Ohio Kentucky Steel